In 2023, Enalees has created 2 local entities in Uk and Germany to get closer to you daily requests with native speaker to easily engage conversation.
Switchboard: +44 (0)1609 635 090
| Scotland | North East | Yorkshire
Louise Capanni | Business Development Manager
Cell phone: +44 (0)7522 189 483
| East Anglia | South
Louise Featherstone | Business Development Manager
Cell phone: +44 (0)7522 189 476
| North West Wales West Midlands
Cara Watson | Business Development Manager
Cell phone: +44 (0)7522 189 480
Switchboard: +49 (0)2173 9935548
| Center of Germany
Dr. Hassan Kabbesh | Area Manager Germany
Cell phone: +49 (0)151 – 5837 67 33
| Southern Germany
Stefania Kelidis-Karagianni | Area Manager Germany
Cell phone: +49 (0)151 – 5838 33 15
| Northern Germany
Dr. Alina Singer | Area Manager Germany
Cell phone: +49 (0)151 – 5780 85 42
You can buy our ranges of diagnostic kits for infectious disease for horses Epona or dogs/cats Astéria directly at Enalees group (France, UK, Germany) or via our authorized distributors.
Select your location to find the best place to get advices and buy our point-of-care diagnostic kits :
AUSTRIA • Noack & Co GmbH (Auhofstrasse 190. 1130 Vienna)
BULGARIA • NOACK BULGARIA EOOD (Sv.Pimen Zografski Str.38, vh.B, fl.2, ap.1. 1172 Sofia)
CZECH REPUBLIC • NOACK ČR, SPOL. S R. O. (Bucharova 2657/12 15800 Praha 13)
HUNGARY • NOACK Magyarország Kft. (Budaörsi út 131/b, Fsz. 1-2. 1118 Budapest) • Daniele Bellocchio
ITALIA • AB ANALITICA (Via Svizzera, 16 35127 Padova)
POLAND • NOACK Polen Sp. z o.o. (ul. Puławska 180 02-670 Warszawa)
ROMANIA • NOACK Romania SRL (Calea Vitan, Nr. 23C, Etaj 4, Sector 3. 31281 Bucuresti)
SERBIA • NOACK & Co South East doo Novi Sad (Stevana Musica 17. 21000 Novi Sad)
SLOVAKIA • NOACK – SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o. (Seberíniho 1. 82103 Bratislava)
SLOVENIA • NOACK d.o.o. (Getaldićeva 8. 1000 Zagreb)