Enalees launches the Asteria® Feline Coronavirus kit for the diagnosis of coronavirus in felines

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Enalees launches the Asteria® Feline Coronavirus kit for the diagnosis of coronavirus in felines

Enalees, a leader in rapid molecular diagnostics for animal health based at Genopole, today announced the launch of a new Asteria® Feline Coronavirus kit for the rapid and specific diagnosis of feline coronavirus.

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is a common viral infection in cats, which can lead to serious complications such as Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Despite its prevalence, accurate and early diagnosis remains a challenge for many veterinary professionals.

The Astéria® Feline Coronavirus test has been developed to meet this need, offering a reliable and effective tool for detecting FCoV in correlation with clinical symptoms in cats. It can detect enteric or mutated feline coronavirus (responsible for Feline Infectious Peritonitis FIP) in different biological matrices (blood and effusion fluid) to determine whether the patient is a carrier of the genome.

Easy to use and rapid results

The Astéria® Feline Coronavirus test uses isothermal DNA amplification technology (LAMP) of the targeted micro-organism to provide a sensitive and specific result in 40 minutes. The advantage of this is that the animal can be treated more rapidly, with the appropriate medication, or isolated, and the care pathway is seamless. 

This is a win-win situation for everyone involved, since customer management is improved, patient treatment is optimised and teams can develop new skills, all while contributing to a reasoned approach.

Always designed with practical use in mind, the Astéria® Feline Coronavirus test is easy to use, thanks to a ready-to-use kit (from sample processing to amplification). This allows veterinary professionals to make a diagnosis in the clinic or in the field, without the need to send samples to an external laboratory.

The launch of this test constitutes a further milestone in Enalees’ commitment to the continuous improvement of veterinary professional care.

Alban Lacaze, Commercial Director, Enalees :

We are proud to introduce the Astéria® Feline Coronavirus test, a product that reflects our commitment to innovation and quality. This new test offers veterinary professionals a complementary tool to improve the rapid diagnosis and management of viral infections in felines. We strongly believe that it will make a significant difference to clinical practice.

About Enalees

Enalees develops and produces rapid isothermal PCR diagnostic tests which enable veterinary professionals to diagnose infectious diseases – both in their veterinary practices and in the field – without the need to send samples to an external laboratory. Its team, which is primarily made up of doctors, engineers and biology technicians, has a particular focus on the development of innovative tests for domesticated animals (horses, dogs and cats).

Based on an isothermal amplification technique, the company’s products can detect over 20 infectious & respiratory diseases in horses (such as Herpes virus or equine influenza) and in dogs and cats (such as coryza, entheropathies, or even hemobartonellose) making it the French market leader in veterinary LAMP PCR (Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification Polymerase Chain Reaction). Enalees’ tests are currently available in Europe directly from Enalees’ Group (France, United Kingdom and Germany) or through its distributors network.

Founded in 2015, Enalees moved to the Genopole research center (France) in 2016, where it later set up its own lyophilization platform. This new facility enabled the company to increase its production capacity to over one million tests a year, including products for its own animal health business as well as custom tests for its partners.

Enalees now employs 44 staff. 

Contact Enalees

Florence Fombertasse
Marketing & Communication CO
+33 (0)749 329 506

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